海外メディアにこのように取り上げられ、われわれも励みになりました。これからもさらに環境対応の印刷企業を目指してまいりますので、ご愛顧くださいますようお願いいたします。Yoshida Printing, from Nigata, Japan, took home the most innovative standalone solution for its "fresh print" concept, which offers "demand-based" printing doing work in batches where a given batch is only processed once certain requirements such as volume are met.
The process speeds up production and makes it more efficient, enabling the company to move from a three- to two-shift work pattern without reducing output.
ハイデルベルグ・エコ・プリンティング・アワード2008記者発表の動画 - みんなの印刷会社-特売プレス/吉田印刷所blog